Small Tree Shared Storage to Handle “Heavy Lifting”

"This new family offer is vital to providing our smaller sized customers with the most efficient storage solution possible for their projects and budget.”
Announcing, MediaSTOR - our new family of Entry level storage systems.
A leader in shared storage manufacturing, Small Tree has launched MediaSTOR, the latest 2018 release of Storage Platforms. You can start with a 4x drive system expanding to 8x 12TB drives. We provide 2x 1GbE network connections by default, and can expand by adding 2x single or dual port 10GbE or 10Gb SFP+ adapters. The appliance is quiet and can coexist with your creative staff.

- Increased performance and reliability through improved SMB3 and AFP protocols
- Enhanced 10Gb Ethernet software
- Improved NAS permissions for improved reliability
- Expanded activity and error-log capture for support and maintainability
- Improved Snapshot and Rsync functionality for enhanced backup operations
- Multiple network performance improvements
MediaSTOR Volume Expansion
ZenOS-L V3 enables Storage Volume Expansion, allowing users to easily increase their total storage capacity, by scaling-out MediaSTOR appliances thus eliminating the need to rebuild their current creative content. The multi-platform shared file system operates efficiently with Windows, Linux and OS X client workstations and provides access to the same storage pools without any additional per-seat licenses or third party software required. Utilizing the same GUI, users can integrate both online and near-line storage pools seamlessly for maximum storage utilization.